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Step 14 of a digital strategy: developing an email marketing plan

July 3, 2022

Your digital strategy’s e-marketing plan allows you to build relationships with potential leads, current and past customers. It provides you with a platform to start a conversion with your audience in which news and ideas are exchanged and trust and authority are formed.

Step 13 of a digital strategy: inbound marketing & lead generation

June 23, 2022

An inbound marketing and lead generation strategy allows you to filter quality traffic and leads generated through your business’ website. Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting new leads for your business through offers, whereas inbound marketing is providing them with valuable experiences and content.

Step 11 of a digital strategy: developing a social media strategy

June 8, 2022

Social media is now becoming a valuable asset for businesses operating digitally. In the past, one of the most common questions used to be, “why do we need to be on social media,” whereas, businesses are now beginning to shift their thoughts towards, “why aren’t we on social media”.

How to create a content marketing strategy

May 26, 2022

It’s one thing to have a content strategy in mind, but drawing it out can be tough. By having your content strategy documented, and regularly updated within your digital strategy, it becomes more effective and ensures you’re reaching the right audience with the right content and achieving maximum return on investment (ROI).

Step 10 of a digital strategy: crisis management

May 16, 2022

A crisis management plan needs to be accessible. Crisis management is the process your business should follow to deal with a sudden situation that could threaten, affect or harm your organisation.

Step 9 of a digital strategy: content strategy

May 3, 2022

A content strategy is a way a business can outline its identity and purpose through published assets, online and offline. It is a strategic marketing approach purely focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, engaging and consistent content.

Step 6 of a Digital Strategy: Utilising Data

April 24, 2022

For many businesses, data has become one of their most valuable assets. The collection, cleansing and analysis of data help many companies formulate and validate their digital strategies, campaigns, and profitability.

Step 5 of a Digital Strategy: Keyword Research

April 8, 2022

As part of your digital marketing, it is important to have a keyword strategy in place. This is essential for establishing the foundation of your digital assets and communications plan as keywords have the potential to ensure the success of your digital presence and online campaigns.

5 mistakes made in a content marketing strategy

March 24, 2022

Building a content strategy for your business is important to ensure exposure and dominance within your sector, especially if you have a digital strategy in place. Though, when it comes to actually putting together the content strategy, many companies are falling victim to a list of common mistakes.

Step 5 of a digital strategy: website development strategy

March 15, 2022

To ensure you have a presence in the digital space, you need to have a website that is appealing, engaging, easy to navigate and optimised for search engines. To make sure you tick all the boxes, you need to have a website development strategy and execution plan as part of your digital strategy planning.

Step 4 of a Digital Strategy: Set Your Vision

March 3, 2022

A company’s vision and views are regularly overlooked within a business, however, without a clear vision, a company can struggle to reach its potential in the digital space. That is why it’s pivotal you review and set your company’s vision early on when developing your digital strategy; and ensure that it aligns with your company’s overall business strategy.

Step 2 of a Digital Strategy: Analyse Your Research

February 9, 2022

A digital strategy establishes the overall direction that your business will follow on a digital level. That is why it is important you execute each step of building the strategy thoughtfully.

What is a Digital Strategy?

January 14, 2022

Businesses are moving their focus toward digital, but many don’t have a comprehensive digital strategy in place. A digital strategy is pivotal for all businesses who wish to succeed in this competitive space because it ensures your business goals are in-line with your digital goals.

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